National Champion choir deserves varsity letters

Becca Koch '22, Staff Writer

When you think of varsity letters, most people think of football, track, baseball. So imagine my surprise when I saw discovered that varsity letters can also be awarded to certain choir groups. In my mind it made perfect sense that an incredible time commitment and necessary work ethic would be deserving of a varsity letter. However, many people do not agree with this view. They see choir as inferior to other “real” sports. They see choir as an easy pastime, while athletics require true dedication and talent. How wrong they are. This is a completely ridiculous mindset. I participated in musicals and choir in middle school, and it was hard work. Having to remember lyrics, choreography, on top of singing well and making it look effortless was an extremely taxing experience. There are so many things that go into making a show that represents South as the leader of student expression through art that it is. To have all of your efforts dismissed because it is not a sport is insulting.  

The Pointe Singers won a national show choir championship in 2019; they are one of the best choirs in the United States. Why then should they not be recognized for having the same commitment of sports team? Hours of practicing outside of school are put into several shows a year. Varsity letters are also not handed out to anyone who is in choir. A rigorous audition process is in place to get into the varsity choirs; out of four choirs, only the Pointe Singers and Tower Belles are considered varsity. 

The hours of work outside of school can limit students’ ability to play a sport, whether for South or elsewhere. Choir students should not be penalized for choosing an extracurricular that enriches South’s student body. Additionally choir is a year-round commitment. Unlike a seasonal sport choir practices in the fall, winter and spring. They have several different concerts during the year, as well as competitions. This activity requires constant activity, and at sometimes is well above the average practices that a sports team might have. 

To dismiss choir as an activity unworthy of a varsity letter is diminishing the hours of work put into making what South’s choir what it is. A school with goods sports teams is good at sports, but a school that encourages the growth of the arts as well as sports, creates the ability for a well-rounded student body. Our choirs are a source of pride. They deserve to be celebrated just as much as any sports team. Varsity letters are an opportunity to acknowledge the work put into extracurricular activities, choir is no different.