Michigan to Missouri: Looking forward to my future

Frannie O'Shea, Media Manager

As senior year comes to a close, although the thought of graduating and growing up is frightening, looking forward to what is to come in my life fills my body with pure excitement.
Ever since I can remember, I knew I wanted to be in a profession that helps others. Being surrounded by the numerous nurses in my life, and after hearing the amazing stories of what each has done and experienced, going into nursing became extremely clear. As soon as I knew what I wanted to do, career wise, the search was on for finding the nursing school that was the right fit for me. And that right fit is Saint Louis University.
I have always been the type of person that wants to explore new places, do new things, and get out of my comfort zone. Going out of the state for college has also always been what I wanted to do. St. Louis is a city that is growing; a city I have never explored, and a place that felt like home as soon as I entered it. It is where I am meant to be for the next four years of my life. I am so excited to see where this journey takes me, but I owe so much to the place I grew up in that made me the person I am, who is ready to conquer whatever St. Louis has to offer me.
Growing up in Grosse Pointe and having the opportunity to go to a school that has taught me so much and prepared me extremely well for my future learning endeavors, has been such an honor. The teachers that I have had the privilege of learning from and the peers that have made my experience so happy and fun, is something I will be forever grateful for and something that I will carry into my college curriculum and future career. A huge thank you to everyone who made my high school experience special and one I won’t forget. Especially to my girls, going through high school with all of you has been nothing short of an adventure and the best time of my life. The memories we made will stay with me forever, and I’m so happy I made them with you.
I feel very sad to leave high school, partly because that means I have to grow up and leave home, but the world is a place filled with so many new adventures and new people, and I am excited for what is to come. Thank you, Grosse Pointe and South for giving me everything I need to conquer the next steps. On to bigger things, SLU, here I come.