Student devotes her time to those in need during the holiday season


Photo by Madeline Allen '20

Olivia Stricker ’20 enjoys the spirit of giving. She dedicates large amounts of her time in the winter to serving her community and those in need.

Madeline Allen '20, Staff Writer

As the holiday season nears, many people are thinking about what gifts they’re hoping to receive from family and friends. However, Olivia Stricker ‘20 is thinking about what she can give to those in need.

For the past five years, Stricker has devoted weeknights to serving dinner at the Ronald McDonald House of Detroit.

“Usually (when) I go to the Ronald McDonald house, it’s through the children’s hospital and they help the kids there who are in hospice or in the hospital dealing with their disabilities and serve meals to them and their families,” Stricker said.

Although there are four different Ronald McDonald charity homes in Michigan, each strives for the same goal.

“Our goal is to provide families love and support while they are going through a tough time in their life. So whether it is making sure they have food or soap or a place to sleep, we make sure that they have what they need,” the Detroit House’s communications director Nicky Bates said.

Giving back to those in need is a gift in itself, according to Stricker. Charity is something she loves to do because of the happiness she feels every time she helps others.

“I feel more positive when I give back. I see at the hospital how happy kids are with how little they have, and how much they’re going through. It really just makes me realize how thankful I should be,” Stricker said.

Stricker’s brother, Calvin Stricker ’20, often assists Olivia in volunteering and likes to turn charity work into a team effort by bringing their family together to help others.   

“When you help others as a family, it brings you closer together and shows you how all of us together can make such a big impact on others. With charity work, being in the environment of being selfless, instead of selfish, is a great reward,” Calvin said.

Olivia hopes she can inspire her peers to help donate to the less fortunate.

“As a high school student, if people see that I’m trying to help other people, maybe they can think, ‘oh I can do that too,” Stricker said. “Whenever somebody helps me, it makes my whole day better, even if it’s just a little thing.”

Stricker prioritizes making others happy, and this year, her goal is to make sure that hospitalized children have an enjoyable holiday season.

“If that can make somebody else’s holiday season a little bit brighter and give them joy and give them something to be thankful for,” Stricker said.