The Tower Pulse

The Tower Pulse

The Tower Pulse

Dylan Schoenfield '23, Staff Writer

Dylan Schoenfeld ’23 is a second year staff writer who loves tower for the people shes met in class and through interviews. Shoenfeld loves writing, and also considers herself quite the book worm. In her free time, she plays scrabble with her dad, goes for runs, and tries out new vegan recipes with her family. Schoenfeld considers herself a homebody, and although she loves going to dinner and downtown with friends, enjoys her own company most of the time. Shoenfeld has two giant Irish Wolfhounds that walk all the time, and people constantly stop her on the street to ask about the dogs and their breed.
“I love walking my dogs because it keeps both me and them entertained, even though they walk really slow and can’t keep a good pace,” Schoenfeld said.

All content by Dylan Schoenfield '23