Farewell to Grosse Pointe South

Sophia Fowler '22

Mia Craparotta '22, Copy Editor

I officially have a month left of my senior year of high school. Writing that feels weird. When people tell you your four years of high school fly by, they are not kidding. Those four years fly by even faster when two of them were rudely interrupted by a global pandemic.

This last year of high school, I have learned how to live in the present and enjoy things as they are happening, rather than anxiously waiting for what is about to come next, or thinking about my mistakes in the past. Living in the present and enjoying every moment of this year has helped me to grow as an individual. Fourteen-year-old Mia would not believe what I endured these past four years, but I’m sure she’d be pretty proud.

So here we are, the final stretch. Exactly thirty days left of my senior year. I recently decided that I will be attending the University of Kentucky next year, and I could not be more shocked and thrilled at the same time. I have had so much going on these past few months that I haven’t even gotten the chance to sit down and realize that a whole new chapter of my life is starting shortly. Everything is becoming more real now.
Looking back, I think I did a pretty good job here at Grosse Pointe South, so for that,I give myself a pat on the back.

I have a few thank-you’s I also would like to add. Thank you Mom and Dad for always being there to support me and for being proud of my accomplishments in life so far. I know it sounds cheesy, but I seriously wouldn’t have come this far without you guys. And to my brother Sam, thank you for being a great kid. I love watching you grow, and I can’t wait to see what you will accomplish these next years as well.

I will miss the spirit days at school, or the after school Starbucks runs with my friends. I will miss talking about the weekend in first hour on Monday mornings. I’ll miss all my teachers, and I will most importantly miss the Class of 2022. Thank you guys for these amazing memories.

So my advice to anyone in need of it: enjoy today, and everyday, but only as it’s happening. After writing this, I feel relieved. I can confidently say I am ready. These four years showed me a lot, and I am grateful for every second of them. With that being said, good luck future Mia. I can’t wait to see what is next.