Safecation for the win

Paige Evers '22, Associate Editor of Pulse


Midwinter Break is arguably one of the best times of the year. It’s a break between the first semester and second-semester giving students and families that well-needed time for rest and recomposure, but with the COVID-19 pandemic, complications of quarantines and traveling arises.
Currently, the GPPSS doesn’t have any rules pertaining to travel and quarantine, even though it is suggested by the Michigan health department and Center for Disease Control and Prevention that anyone traveling domestically or internationally requires a 10-day quarantine. I suggest that the GPPSS implement some sort of quarantine tracking once students return from break, have one week of virtual learning before returning, or require a negative test.
Both of these options would need help from the community and school district. A week of virtual learning could go sideways if a family decides to stay in Florida for that week too, and tracking quarantine times may be difficult depending on how GPPSS goes about their learning while students are in quarantine. These plans can flop and need to be supported for everyone to have a safe return to learning after midwinter break.
Another aspect to understand is that at the high school level, students can’t just be simply excused from school for a week. Whereas with the kids in elementary school and middle school, one week isn’t missing very much. For high schoolers, missing one week of school could mean missing out on assignments, quizzes, even tests in rare cases. I don’t think any student would want to miss so much.
In my opinion, students going up north don’t exactly need to quarantine unless they come in contact with many people and are around in high populated areas. The students who absolutely should be quarantined are those flying, going to different states, or being in highly populated areas.
Once again, I think the district needs to find a solution for ensuring a safe return to school after midwinter break because at this point my expectations aren’t too high. Students, staff and families need to be able to trust GPPSS, and currently that trust is in limbo and has been since August.