Team ‘swings’ their way into golf states

Riley Ptashnik '21, Page Editor

With their win at regionals, the girls varsity golf team is headed to states in Bedford Valley, Battle Creek. They really weren’t expecting the win, according to Gray Rahm ’20.

“There was a lot of practicing everyday, and keeping on ourselves to practice on our own time, and throughout the summer and not just in the season and putting on carpets in your house throughout the winter,” Gray Rahm said.

The team had to prepare themselves for states. There were practices every other day if there wasn’t a match or tournament. Leading up to regionals to girls would practice on their own in their homes or on the course, said Gray Rahm.

“I was very surprised and very excited, obviously and it was really fun to take home the trophy, Audrey Becker said ‘21.

The team all had different takes on winning regionals. Alstom Smith ’21 said she was very excited, the team was very happy, and glad she go the opportunity to go to states. Gray Rahm said, “It’s always fun because the scores come in slowly and they write them on a big board, the team was sitting there doing the math of our scores and what other teams need to shoot to beat them.”

“It’s a lot of fun(the tournaments and matches), but it’s pretty tense too because there are a lot of teams and everyone’s trying to play there game but still keep the team spirit and support each other, it’s really fun because we do our best but even if we don’t do well we can help our teammates to and cheer them on,” Alston Smith said.

Rahm said, golf is kind of a weird sport because the people you compete against you can’t cheer against them, you can’t be happy that they shanked a ball or missed a putt you have to be very supportive because you’re with your competitors for five to six hours at a time. Smith also said, there’s a good amount of competitiveness but it’s really friendly too, if you’re playing with a girl you might be trying to beat eachother, but you’ll still help eachother out and find each others balls and try to make it fun.

“I’m hoping we rank pretty high as a team and I hope some of our individuals do well and overall we shoot good scores, not specific ranking just good scores,” Becker said.

All of the girls aren’t expecting to win states but they want to be in higher ranking. Rahm said this year the team isn’t planning to win but they are definitely planning on doing better than last year, the team was close to last place last year, they all really excited to go to states, this is the third executive year they are going, and the team is hoping to be in mid range maybe around 7th in the state right now.