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The Tower Pulse

The Tower Pulse

The Tower Pulse

Millicent Vollmer '27

Millicent Vollmer ’27, Page Editor

First year staffer, Millicent Vollmer ’27 is passionately leaping head-first into the world of journalism through the lens of page editing and writing, eager to jumpstart the year.

“I really just enjoy writing,” Vollmer said. “I feel like it’s kind of an escape space. I can just write down [however] I feel.”

Aside from her newfound commitment to The Tower, Vollmer is unabashedly passionate about her other extracurricular activities, specifically soccer.

“I used to play travel [soccer],” Vollmer ’27 said. “I ended up stopping travel [soccer] because I played Field Hockey for [Grosse Pointe] South, so now I’m playing for South’s team this spring.” Other than soccer, Tower, and other athletic interests, Vollmer is passionately involved in clubs like student government, student council, Student Association, and mock trial in efforts to better her leadership and academic excellence.

Adding to her already vast repertoire of clubs, Vollmer is also working on starting her own club, focused on a passion for debate.

“There’s a debate class, but there’s not a club,” Vollmer ’27 said. “We’re going to start [debate club] this year, but we need to find an advisor to host it.”

All content by Millicent Vollmer ’27