In honor of Dr. Seuss’s birthday on March 2, the month is recognized as Reading Month. March Reading Month is a time to promote literacy skills and encourage reading across all age groups, especially at the elementary school level.
Governor Gretchen Whitmer claimed the celebration to encourage schools to host events and activities to support this initiative throughout the month.
Anne Marie Macgillis is a reading specialist at Mason Elementary School where numerous events, activities, and challenges take place during March to celebrate Reading Month.
“Although we celebrate Mason readers and books all year long, March is extra special,” Macgillis said. “We have Fun Fridays such as ‘Hats off to Reading’ (wear a hat day), ‘Team Up for Reading’ (wear your favorite sports shirt), and ‘Cozy Up and Read’ (wear your pjs and bring a stuffed pet to read to at school).”
Along with these celebrations, Macgillis also explained that Masons Library Media Specialist, Angela Biske, organized the school’s “One Mason, One Book” event where every family at Mason read the same book during March. This year’s book is “8 Class Pets + 1 Squirrel ÷ 1 Dog = Chaos” by Vivian Vande Velde.
“Every Mason family received a copy of the book, thanks to our generous PTO, to read at home,” Macgillis said. “We love to pick books that are part of a series to encourage the reading to continue at home when March is over.”
According to Macgillis, Biske added a special twist to the “One Mason, One Book” event to encourage students to read at home.
“She created a calendar with a suggested reading schedule along with fun Spring Break reading challenges and great links for families to access books from our public libraries,” Macgillis said. “Students who return their calendars to our Library Media Specialist after Spring Break will receive a special prize.”
In addition to the events planned by faculty at Mason, Macgillis says that the school is also bringing in guest speakers to read aloud to students.
“State Representative Veronica Paiz will be reading to K-3 classrooms on March 17th. GPPSS School Board President, Colleen Worden, will be reading to our Young 5s and Kindergarten students on March 14,” Macgillis said.
Makenzie Adams ‘26, who is a member of Souths Library Connection Club, which is dedicated to spreading reading and books to the community, says that the Library Connection Club is also planning read aloud events for Reading Month.
“We’re trying to plan a read aloud where we [the members of the club] go and read to kids that might not have access to someone who can read to them,” Adams said.
Adams comments on how important celebrating March Reading Month is, especially for kids that don’t have access to needed resources.
“It’s a really important skill to be able to read,” Adams said. “I know a lot of people, surrounding our community, might not have access to learn how to read. I think it’s important to spread awareness about that.”
Delaney Mulligan, a third grade student at Defer Elementary School, says that she has taken part in the celebration while attending GPPSS.
“We’re doing a bookmark contest at my school, I think it’s really fun,” Mulligan said.
Mulligan also says that she loves reading, and commented on what her favorite types of books are.
“I like adventure books the most, but my favorite book is Squished by Megan Wagner Lloyd,” Mulligan said.
Anne Macgillis emphasizes the importance of instilling a love for reading in young children.
“Reading is such an important part of our lives, finding joy at a young age will carry them through life,” Macgillis said.