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The money at the end of the road

Joshua Sonnenberg ’25

The end of May marks the beginning of the end for high school. With the constant planning and financing for events like homecoming and prom, and leaving a future freshman class with money, some school classes are left with extra funds. The current class of 2025 Advisor Kendra Caralis recalls former classes’ finances, dating back to the 1990s.

“They were going through all the previous accounts,” Caralis said. “There [was] a lot of small balances, but some [classes’] had other bigger balances that were just left over.”

According to Caralis, older classes with remaining balances held onto funds with the expectation of class-wide reunions in future years. Current and future staff advisors have been instructed to zero-out further accounts, and not leave any money remaining. As a result, classes are left with numerous options in what to do with their remaining funds.

“At the end of the year, and senior year, once everything is done, either the class gift is given out, using all that money, like a podium or a bench, or money is used [in the form] of grants.” Caralis said.

The class of 2021, which Caralis was also advisor for, had a limited prom as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine mandates. The class of 2021 still held a significant balance.

Similarly, current student association class advisor Meg Pierce was the class of 2022’s advisor during the COVID-19 pandemic as well. The class of 2022 was also privy to the numerous mandates and restrictions that came with COVID-19, and they also held extra funds.

“I just got a text message from my president [of] 2022,” Pierce said. “They would like to do a bench in honor of Finn Hudson, and then spend the rest of it in collaboration with the class of 2021.”

While other former classes consider what to do with current funds, current Grosse Pointe South class councils need to also consider what to do after graduation. Class of 2025 president Tenley Stiyer said there have been some brief talks about what to do with the remaining money from their class.

“Food trucks [are] what’s been done in the past,” Stiyer said. “My older brother’s class who graduated the year before I came in have a [significant] amount of money left over because they never had [anything] to do with it.”
Class advisors like Pierce find that class councils have a great number of choices in how they want to dish out funds, and leave a lasting impact on Grosse Pointe South.

“Every class is different,” Pierce said. “If [classes] have more money they’ll do a gift. A couple have decided to [give] grants to teachers, and some have done benches or a podium.”

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About the Contributor
Joshua Sonnenberg ’25
Joshua Sonnenberg ’25, Graphics Editor
Joshua Sonnenberg ’25 has a lot of unique hobbies, such as building his own computer, participating in lots of running, and frequently adding to his comic book collection. His love for drawing however is what inspired him to become Graphics Editor for The Tower. “I love having the opportunity to publish both written and artistic works in the paper,” Sonnenberg said. The second year staffer is never seen without wired headphones, which usually have boygenius playing. Sonnenberg can almost always be found uniquely making his graphics on his phone instead of the typical iPad.

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