School clubs adjust to online format amidst restrictions

Tara Cole '21, social media manager

The start of this year’s virtual school year has called for patience and adaptation not only with academics, but within clubs as well. School clubs have been researching and developing different ways to connect virtually and are still perfecting their methods.

According to Link Crew Adviser Todd Hecker, Link Crew has been especially difficult to manage this year due to not being able to meet in person.

“Everything is harder and everything takes twice as long,” Hecker said. “It’s exceedingly challenging to build strong relationships and connections with each other through a screen.”

Hecker said different clubs have been using a variety of resources to spread information and communicate with their members.

“For Link Crew, we’ve been communicating through the app Band and via email, however both are far from perfect,” Hecker said. “Oftentimes students don’t get the message until well after the fact.”

According to Key Club secretary Carly Gesell ’21, they’ve been able to meet over Zoom and communicate through emails and Remind text messages.

“The biggest challenge Key Club is facing during online schooling is our inability to recruit new members, “ Gesell said. “A lot more people join when we’re able to post flyers and talk to people in person about the club.”

Bridget Clark ’21, head of Save the Lakes club, said some clubs have to be postponed until in-person school presumes.

“Save the Lakes club hasn’t been able to communicate or meet recently since school shut down in March,” Clark said. “We are currently waiting for direction from administration to recharter our club before we move forward.”

According to Clark, many school club members are feeling disappointed and frustrated with online learning.

“We wanted to continue our club’s goal towards helping the environment, but were forced to take a break because COVID took importance in our lives,” Clark said.

According to Hecker, many students and staff members are hoping to go back to in-person learning in order for clubs to run more smoothly.

“I am eagerly looking forward to a time when students and staff can work together safely in the building at South,” Hecker said.