South student’s vegan Instagram account rises to fame

Shannon and her five sisters share a famous Instagram account.

Zach Heimbuch '19, Tower Radio

What started out as a small Instagram profile meant to show friends different vegan meals has grown into a famous account. Created by Shannon Lynch ’23 and her five sisters,  sixvegansisters, has even paved way for other possible business paths for the girls.

“We plan to start selling desserts and other vegan food at Atwater in the Park very soon,” Lynch said. “We want everybody to experience our meals outside of just photos.”

According to Lynch, the account’s growth was slow at first but once their name got out, it grew faster than her and her sisters could’ve ever imagined. The account was made only two years ago but has already been followed by about 150,000 people.

“When we first made the account, growth was pretty slow,” Lynch said. “Once we got to around 10,000 followers was when it really started to gain fame,” Lynch said.

While there are many other vegan food-based accounts on Instagram, Lynch believes that hers rose to the top simply because of its consistently good photos, captions and themes.

“We try our best to keep all of our pictures and captions following the same theme,” Lynch said. “It makes it easier for our viewers to enjoy our all-vegan food.”

According to Lynch, her favorite thing that’s come with the account’s popularity is its ability to keep her and her sisters together. The account has provided a great way to bond and connect with family that isn’t always around.

“With my sisters being older than me, it can be hard to stay close, but the account has given us a way to do that,” Lynch said. “I can’t be more thankful for everything it’s done for us and I can’t wait to see what the future holds.”