Class of 2021 gets their long awaited celebration week

Rachel Strong '21, Staff Writer

Graphic made by Rachel Strong ’21.

Class of 2021 has missed out on a lot of their school year and on a lot of the fun activities like the first day of school, football games, homecoming, spirit week and many other things that all seniors looked forward to. But the last week of school there is a plan to celebrate the seniors and all of the hard work they have done over the past four years.

“The seniors have been through a lot this year and haven’t gotten the full senior year experience that past graduating seniors have,” Melissa Petz said. “We have a lot of fun things planned for them in the last week of school, it’s going to be a nice way to celebrate and a send off.”

According to Petz the whole week is dedicated to the seniors with fun activities each day.

“Monday there is going to be a tailgate before school starting at 6:45 am and seniors will also get the opportunity to wear spirit wear that they didn’t get to wear during homecoming week,” Petz said. “I know a lot of seniors were sad when the first day of school didn’t happen, so this is a good way for them to still experience it.”

Petz said she is excited for the new ideas to celebrate seniors.

“We are trying something new this year, which is the water wars,” Petz said. “I know a lot of other schools do this and I think it will be a good way for the class of 2021 to bond before they all go their separate ways.”

Daphne Irby ‘21 said she is thankful that the school is doing something to commemorate the seniors.

“This year has been really hard for me and my friends because there were so many things we were looking forward to,” Irby said. “Having this last week of school be dedicated to us is really exciting and it means a lot.’

Nia Rahmaan ‘21 says there are a lot of fun things planned for the last week.

“I am really excited for Wednesday, May 26, there is a lot going on that day,” Rahmaan said. “There is going to be a class picture before school which we never got the chance to do along with cap and gown distribution and at the end of the day there is going to be ice cream for all of the seniors.”

According to Petz there is going to be the annual clap out for seniors on their last day of school.

“The clap out is something staff and students look forward to so we are happy to continue this tradition,” Petz said. “We just want the seniors to feel appreciated and recognized so we hope this last week of school will show them that.