Snow your spirit: South’s first holiday spirit week is currently underway
Amy Ellis ’19 sends holiday wishes to elementary school students in the main hallway during both lunches.
December 19, 2018
South’s first holiday spirit week is currently underway. One of the reasons the week was planned was to bring more positivity and student unity to the school, according to Student Association (SA) advisor Claire Sobolak, who came up with the idea.
“I noticed that students are just so stressed out, there’s so much on their plate right now, and I see that all year long,” Sobolak said. “I wanted to show that we’re supporting students but also helping them have more fun at school. So I thought this was a good first step to bringing more positivity and more student-focused activities to the school day.”
According to SA secretary Shreya Rana ’19, class councils and SA worked together to plan out the week. Each class, along with SA, planned out a separate day.
“We’re going to make sure our events are really planned out and we’re going to spread the word about it and let the school know what’s going on,” Rana said. “Even if people don’t know it’s going on, it will be a good surprise which will boost their spirits.”
Sobolak said the main goal is to support students’ mental health and have a fun week. All proceeds from the activities, such as the hot cocoa bar Friday morning, will be going to charity.
“We are trying to support a scholarship for students to attend a camp that’s supporting students with autism so they can go and have a camp experience they wouldn’t normally have,” Sobolak said. “It’s a really cool way to help other students at South have that experience in the summertime.”
According to student activities director Maria Mitzel, Monday was pajama day, planned by the freshmen. The sophomore class was in charge of Tuesday, which was snowman day. Cards for Grosse Pointe students battling illnesses were available during lunch on either day to sign.
“Three elementary students in the district are fighting cancer, and one lost their mom,” Mitzel said. “We contacted those schools to see if it was okay with them, and we’re going to design Christmas cards and have kids sign them in the hallway, and then on Friday deliver them to the school along with some Christmas balloon animals to let them know we’re thinking of them.”
Looking forward, Sobolak said Wednesday, Dec. 19 is candy cane day, planned by the juniors. Students are encouraged to wear red and white.
“We have candy cane grams being delivered to different students that can be purchased through different clubs,” Sobolak said.
Sobolak said there will also be French crêpes for sale during lunch on Wednesday, and cookie decorating at both lunches.
“We’ll have a stand during lunch for cookie decorating and it’s all free to students,” Sobolak said. “So they can just go and decorate cookies and have as many as they want.”
Sobolak said Thursday is flannel day, planned by the seniors, and there will be holiday music during passing time along with involvement from the balloon club.
“The balloon club is making different balloons during lunch,” Sobolak said. “They’ve been practicing their balloons that they’re making; it’s really cute.”
According to Mitzel, SA is planning Friday, which will be ugly sweater day. There will be a contest during each lunch for students and staff to see who has the ugliest sweater.
“(Kendra) Caralis is putting together the voting platform and as a staff we’re having a contest between departments to see who has the ugliest Christmas sweaters and the most participation throughout the week,” Mitzel said.
Additionally, choir students will be caroling on Friday between classes in the main building, according to Sobolak.
“I’m really excited for it,” Sobolak said. “It’s cool because we will have part of the choir on the second floor and part on the first floor, and during those hours, they’re just walking around singing. It’s going to be really fun.”
Rana believes having the spirit week is a good way to boost school and holiday spirit.
“This is a new thing,” Rana said. “It’s meant to boost holiday spirit, because we know the last week (of break) can be really hard. The purpose of it is to make students more excited.”
Mitzel is most excited to see how everyone becomes involved.
“We have great students; I love seeing their creativity, I love seeing how they envision things coming to life,” Mitzel said. “This is to let them (students) know we’re thinking about them, we want them to know that we wish them a happy holiday. School and the holidays can be stressful, so it’s a fun way to ease up on that stress a little bit.”