The changing of the Gulf of Mexico’s name to the “Gulf of America” to me is simply pointless, honestly. The name has been there for centuries and changing it now has done nothing but make people angry. It’s something politicians do to prove their powers and create drama instead of attempting to solve real problems.
First of all, the Gulf of Mexico is not America’s exclusively. It is also bordered by Mexico and other countries like Cuba. Naming it like we own the whole thing is a little insulting. It’s the same as if Canada were to suddenly rename the Great Lakes the “Lakes of Canada” it would be ridiculous.
And then there’s the history. “Gulf of Mexico” is the name that’s been used for centuries, and it’s recognized by everyone across the world. Changing it now doesn’t erase history, it just creates confusion. Think about the maps, textbooks, and even GPS systems that would need to be updated just because someone thought the original name was not patriotic enough.
No one exactly was demanding for this change to be made. There are far bigger issues to tackle, like fixing the economy, improving the education system, or even doing something about climate change. Wasting time and resources altering a name that doesn’t do anyone any good is just stupid.
Calling the Gulf, “Gulf of America” is not going to change anything. It is still going to be called the Gulf of Mexico because that’s what it has always been. All of this is just a diversion, and we actually need to concern ourselves with something that makes a real difference.