With Moana 2 releasing eight years after the original, fans and critics were excited to see what the sequel entailed. However, new movies such as Wicked, have taken over theatres across the globe and have been the go-to movie to watch. After seeing it the day it came out, I believe Moana 2 lived up to the legacy of the first. Compared to other releases this year such as Inside Out 2 or Despicable Me 4, Moana 2 entailed so much more meaning and emotion that makes it a must-see movie for 2024.
The movie starts off with Moana finding an artifact that leads her to the decision to brave the ocean again and find other people, not just ones on Motunui, her island. However, she grapples with this hard decision because of its dangers and leaving her home. Moana eventually decides to leave to help her island thrive in the long run. Along the way, she pushes through challenges and hardship. The viewers learn there is a curse upon the ocean that is separating all of the islands, which Moana hopes to break. Towards the end of the movie, there is a sad twist, but eventually a happy ending for all.
Moana 2 had a well written plot for a children’s movie. I believe there is harsh judgement from teenagers and adults, which are not the intended audience for the franchise. Although there were some “cringe” moments, the movie encapsulated some large themes of family and the idea of “never giving up.” One thing that could be improved on was the soundtrack. All of the songs sounded very similar to the first movie, but they were not as catchy. When the songs of the movie were lacking, the visuals definitely made up for it. The bright colors and details of the animation were very appealing to the eye.
The ending scene of the movie was very powerful and a tear-jerker. The theatre was silent as everyone watched the emotional scene that involved strength that comes from family. The Moana franchise I believe could end with this movie just because of this ending. It truly conveyed the message of Moana and her duties as a sister, but also to break the curse. I would recommend everyone see this movie because of its ideals and message, as they are not just for children.