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New and improved field day for high school

New and improved field day for high school
Grace Vollmer ’26

Imagine this. It is the last week of elementary school right before classes get out for the Summer, and the whole school is getting ready for one of the most exciting days of the school year. As many can remember, field day was something that a student could look forward to all year during grades one through five. Many of the different activities could have been on the field but also included water games, which were favorites among many. As students graduate from elementary school and joyful activities like those soon fade away, many still reminisce on the memories created and are hopeful to experience amusement like that again. This could be accomplished if South implemented a whole school field day.

As the year starts to come to a close, students can start to lack motivation in the last couple of weeks before Summer. With the warmer weather and excitement for the end of school, students can often lack focus and work ethic during these weeks. I have experienced this firsthand. During the Winter months, I was less enticed about going outside and procrastinating homework, but with the much warmer weather, I have been thinking less about schoolwork. I have been often rushing my assignments and not truly staying focused during school hours. With finals coming up, it will be of the utmost importance for students to stay motivated and finish the school year strong.

One way that students can stay excited about school and have a break from the stressful last few weeks is to entertain the idea of a field day. For high school students, it may look different from the typical elementary field day, but it can still be thrilling to give students a break. Some of the activities could include tug-of-war, water balloons, obstacle courses, or any type of partner games like wheelbarrow races. If it is a warm day, water games could also be used for the students to cool off. Not only do there have to be games, but there could also be break stations with popsicles and water as snacks for the students. Even though field day is only a one-day extravaganza, it could be very beneficial to students suffering from the stress of school and help better their spirits.

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About the Contributor
Grace Vollmer ’26
Grace Vollmer ’26, Copy Editor
Grace Vollmer ’26, a first-year copy editor is ready to enter the Tower after a long summer of lifeguarding. Starting her sophomore year, Vollmer’s excited to join Tower because she loves to write and she is excited for the opportunities the Tower class offers to her. Vollmer is excited to meet with more people of all grades and get to know more students. “I really like it (journalism) because I love to write and I also love talking to people,” Vollmer said. “I think it’s such a fun class because I get to interact with more people that I usually wouldn’t.” Grace loves to keep herself busy, whether it's playing with Harlow her Goldendoodle, or participating in her multi-varsity sports tennis and swimming. Always ready for a challenge on land, pool, and the court.

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