Every year South hosts an event called “Powderpuff,” where girls from different grades compete against one another in a game of football. The seniors/sophomores dominated with a score of 27-21, gaining them a victory in the annual powderpuff game.
Normally Powderpuff is a chance for the upperclassmen to create a team with fellow students but also battle against one another to win the game. The game was also a fundraiser to raise money for a charity called Glinda’s Club which aids those who are struggling with cancer.
As well as charity being raised, the students also are able to bond with their teammates and this helps the teams have the ability to become more successful. Being part of a team means supporting and encouraging one another. In powderpuff football, players cheer for each other, offer support during practices and games and celebrate each other’s successes. Connie Bedsworth ’25 noted that getting to play with her friends and enjoy the sport of football was a great experience for her.
“I really enjoyed having jerseys and everyone was new at it,” Bedsworth said. “It was also fun to see everyone trying to play and getting the ability to work together and it looked fun last year so I decided to try it this year.”

With this, practices were included to help the Powderpuff players prepare for the final game against each other. They helped create a good atmosphere with the different teams and were beneficial to the players because they helped them prepare for the game in advance. Team sports require collaboration and communication among team members. Through practicing and playing together, participants learn to work together, trust each other and rely on each other’s strengths.
“We had about two practices before the game that were an hour and a half each,” Bedsworth said. “And they were very beneficial even though not many people would show up every time.”