Tower Tribute March 17 Winner; Isabel Groustra
March 17, 2023

Pursuing their love of art, Isabel Groustra ’24 challenged themselves to a ‘Pinterest Challenge,’ in which they combined the first three images on their Pinterest board into a mixed media piece.
The piece includes a portrait, birds and hands using different material to add texture and variation to their sketch book.
“I used watercolor, pencil, sketch and wash, acrylic and pastel to make this,” said Groustra.
From the Tower Web Staff, we would like to once again congratulate Groustra on their artful combination of elements to create this piece, Three Muses. The mixed media work enhances the dimensions and theme of the art, which makes it more interesting and thematic.
All student work submitted and published by the Tower Pulse are protected. All rights reserved.
If you are interested in your work being published on the Tower Tribute, click here to submit and your artwork may be chosen.