Five minutes with Salvation Army volunteer Jerry Stewart

Katie Hamilton ’24

Jerry Stewart poses in front of Kroger ringing his bell for donations on January 12th.

Katie Hamilton '24, Supervising Web Editor

A new bike, a new phone, new shoes: during the holiday season, everyone is excited about what they’re getting. Jerry Stewart, a volunteer for the Salvation Army, is outside of stores and tries to raise money while many shop during the season of giving.

“This is my 12th year, and I love it,” Stewart said. “It’s a good way of giving back and it doesn’t cost anything.”

The Salvation Army uses the donations to donate to those who can’t afford a lot with clothes, money, and more. During the holidays, people like to donate to charities and when they donate, it gives people who are struggling hope.

“Being here is such an easy thing to do,” Stewart said. “It’s nice to meet and see nice people; I have fun every day I work.”

Being a bell ringer for the Salvation Army means giving up your time and standing outside for hours at a time to raise money. The bell ringing enables the more fortunate to donate to an organization that reliably helps people who might not have had a Christmas without their help.

“This whole thing is volunteering and they trust me,” Stewart said. “I have my bucket, I only work for 4 hours then I’m relieved at noon by somebody else.”

To spread joy and giving, there are bell ringers everywhere—one only needs to check out a local grocery store for one. Stewart encourages everyone to donate so the less fortunate can enjoy the Christmas spirit.

“This is such a nice environment, I feel good helping others when I can stand outside and encourage people to donate. Stewart said.