High school sweethearts v. college love

Senior couples decide to stay together despite college

Lauren Griffin, Staff Writer


Lauren Griffin ’22

As the class of 2022’s senior year comes to a fast close, couples attending different colleges are wondering whether or not their relationship will be able to withstand the distance. A few of them have said that they have already had the troubling talk. Even though they have a few more months together, with summer, it is still pretty much up in the air.

Jonathan Drake and Arienna Minnefield, both ‘22, have been dating for about a year and five months, and have been inseparable ever since. Drake is planning to attend Xavier University in Ohio in the fall, while Minnefield is staying here to attend Macomb Community College.

“Macomb was the best choice for me, honestly, because of money,” Minnefield said. “I do have plans to transfer to another university, possibly out of state, after getting my required gen-ed course credits.”

New York is about 614.5 miles away from Detroit. Couple Sarah Nischik ‘22 and Boaz Selinger ‘22 have a hike between the two of them. Having the opportunity to go back home for college, Selinger decided on New York University. On the other hand, Nischik chose to stay in state, committing to Michigan State.

“Sarah and I will continue to grow as a couple, as time goes on, and support each other no matter what,” Selinger said . “I have learned, thus far in our relationship, that communication is key to maintaining a long, healthy relationship.”

On the other hand, Emily Smith ‘22 and her boyfriend Alex Cann ‘21 (didn’t graduate from South) are planning to stay together when Smith goes away for college. Smith and Cann have been together for three years and five months. The longest amount they’ve been apart from each other was for four months, during the pandemic, while we were in lockdown.

“We have had the talk about how our relationship is going to change when I go away for college,” Smith said. “Hopefully we are lucky enough to get through this long distance part of our relationship and get married.”

These duos are trying to have a positive outlook on the future. They plan to cross the “long distance” bridge when they come to it, because it can be a tough one to cross. The mindset that they all seem to share is still being there for their partner no matter what happens.

“I want Arie to know that, whatever happens, I will always love her and never leave her side,” Drake said. “She will always have someone to call and to always remember that I will love her forever. She is the most beautiful person that has come into my life.”