Adopt A Family returns again to help needy GP families
December 22, 2019
Throughout the holiday season, many families go through a difficult time of getting their families gifts and preparing for the holiday season. Adopt A Family has helped families for 30 years in the Grosse Pointe district.
“This is an event we have been doing for about 30 years in the district, North started it,” Claire Sobolak, South teacher who is running Adopt A Family this year, said.
Along with giving to families, people that partake have great experience, giving to others and providing for families in need.
“Last year, I had a really good experience with it and the class I helped with, and I wanted to expand my role overall in SA (this year),” Audrey Becker said.
Planning for Adopt A Family is a time-consuming process that take weeks to prepare. SA has taken from November until Thanksgiving to prepare. Classes are assigned after Thanksgiving, according to Becker.
Adopt A Family provides canned goods, gift cards and specific gifts to each child that a classroom decides to help.
“(Dec. 19) is our delivery day so I was making sure all the classrooms have their gifts cards and everything,” Beckers said. “Then, we’re buying food gift cards and setting up everything just packed and ready to be sent off to all of the families.”