Flint Water Drive was a success

“Beach-Garland St-Flint River Bridge, Flint MI” by Andrew Jameson on Wikipedia Commons is licensed under the Creative CommonsAttribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license

South held a Flint water drive the week of March 20. The co chairs for the event said that it was a success, after months of careful planning.

The Flint water crisis has lost much of its hype since last year, but it has not yet been resolved. During the week of March 20th, South’s Student Association held a Flint Water Drive, collecting donations and giving bracelets for every five dollar donations and a raffle ticket to tour the Tower for every 10 dollar donation. Overall, they collected $513 for Flint.

Stephanie Schervish ‘18 and Sophia Rzankowski ‘18 were the Co Chairs for this committee. They were both very happy with the turnout of the event.

“We didn’t really have a goal. We just wanted to involve the student body in something that helps the people outside our school,” said Schervish, “We expected people to donate but not as much as we got so I’m very happy with the amount.”

This took them about two months and a lot of effort for them to plan and execute this event in the best way they could.

“Our committee has been working to make it as easy as possible to raise as much money as possible. It’s really important that people realize that the crisis is still going on,” said Rzankowski.

Carla Voigt ‘18, a member of the committee, helped them will small tasks that needed to be done and gave suggestions throughout the event planning.

“Before the event, I was hopeful to raise awareness and money for a great cause. Overall, I’m glad that we did it and everything we raised will make a difference for Flint, “ said Voigt.

The Student Association plans to donate all proceeds to The United way of Genesee County.