What does consent mean to you?

Grace Reyes, Online Section Editor

Photo by Grace Reyes ’19
Jack Hensien ’17

Jack Hensien ’17

“Regarding sexual encounters, (consent is) giving someone the permission to interact with you on that personal and intimate level. It’s important to be aware that whenever you’re having some kind of intimate interaction with someone that both of you are comfortable with it and it’s wanted from both parties. A huge misunderstanding is that silence (is) consent; when someone is silent doesn’t mean they want what’s happening to be happening.”


Photo by Grace Reyes ’19
Vincent Cracchiolo ’19

Vincent Cracchiolo ’19

“Consent means to me the physical and mental agreement between both partners in the relationship. When someone doesn’t want to do something, you should always respect that. When someone says no, it means no, and it’s the final answer.”


Photo by Grace Reyes ’19
Erin Ptashnik ’17

Erin Ptashnik ’17

“Consent is the right anyone has to tell somebody that they either want to or don’t want to be involved with sexual activities. I think that it’s definitely different for girls, obviously rape is rape and women more times than guys get raped. When talking about consent, a lot of people think about it as a women consenting to if they want to or not.”


Photo by Grace Reyes ’19
Lizzy Acheson ’19

Lizzy Acheson ’19

“To me, consent means that all parties in the activities that you are doing are comfortable and can agree to the things you’re doing. For me, as a woman, sometimes you can feel peer pressured to do things that you aren’t necessarily comfortable with. It’s important to say no when you want to say no. It’s important to have good self trust and listen to your gut feeling, no matter what the circumstances.”