Scholastic art awards showcase South’s talent
Photo courtesy of Julia Rapai ’18
Julia Rapai’s piece for the Scholastic Art Awards. Rapai won an honorable mention for this photo of a baby storming the streets of Paris.
Recently, a list was posted on the first floor of the IA building at Grosse Pointe South. This list announced the winners of the 2017 Scholastics Art & Writing Awards.
According to the Scholastics website, The Scholastics Art & Writing Awards is the nation’s longest-running and most prestigious recognition initiative for creative teens. Some of those creative teens are right here at South.
“I have been taking ceramics classes for two years now,” Logan Cholody ‘17 said. “Over the last year, I have developed my portfolio and my own style of my art.”
Many students submit their art to these awards every year. Cholody, in particular, won a gold key for his senior portfolio, along with 13 other seniors.
Not every student received gold keys. Some won silver keys or honorable mentions, but nonetheless, each participant wanted to show off their works of art. Julia Rapai ‘18 won an honorable mention for her edited photo submission.
“I turned in a digital art piece using an old vintage photo of my uncle as a toddler,” Rapai said. “I manipulated it so he was storming the streets of Paris and destroying the city.”
Rapai says she loves art and as a result of taking art classes at South, is now in Computer Graphics III.
The Scholastics Art & Writing Awards present an opportunity for any student wishing to submit some artwork. For seniors, there’s even a possibility of a $10,000 scholarship so that they might continue their creative studies in college or a national award.
“For upper level art students, it provides the opportunity for college scholarships and recognition of their artwork on a regional and national level,” art teacher Emily Wolfer said. “Students that are not eligible for scholarships not only can receive regional and national recognition, but also gain experience in preparing and submitting work to a professional art show.”
The awards are annual and another list is expected to be posted a little less than a year from now, with more gold key winners as well as many more participants.