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Flushing gets flushed

As the end of 2024 spring baseball season comes to an end, Grosse Pointe South’s Blue Devils take on the Flushing Raiders on a hot Wednesday afternoon. The game began with Flushing at bat. After three short outs, including an amazing catch by a South outfielder, it was time for the Devils to step up to the plate. After the first batter was walked and the next three hit pop flies, Flushing ended the inning at zero to zero.

The second inning mirrored the first inning with many pop flies, making the six outs go by in a snap. It wasn’t until the third inning began, that both the Raiders and the Devils got busy and rounded in some runs.

Flushing’s first batter of the inning hit a strong line drive past third base resulting in a single. After a few more base hits, Flushing hit a huge ball into the outfield bringing in two runners. As the top of the third inning came to a close, Flushing left the field happy making the score five to zero.

At the bottom of the third, the Devils entered the batting box ready to score some runs and even out the odds. After the Devils brought in 4 runs, Jacob Kozel ’24 hit a massive home run resulting in two RBI’s, runs-batted-in, as well as his own cleats rounding home base. After more runs came in, a Flushing outfielder caught a pop fly, ending the third inning with a strong Devil’s lead of ten to five.

With tensions high, the Raiders re-entered the ballpark ready to regain the ground they had lost. Sadly, three pop-fly’s ended the top of the fourth. As the Devils stepped back into the batting box, one more run came in, making the score eleven to five.

The fifth inning played out the same way the fourth did, making the score twelve to five. Flushing, desperate for a comeback, began the sixth with a double and ended with one run batted in, changing the score to twelve to six.

The seventh inning was cut short, when Flushing was unable to bring in a run, so the Devils celebrated their victory with a team talk in the outfield held by their honorable coach, Dan Griesbaum.

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