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An ode to our teachers: An overview of staff appreciation week


Grosse Pointe’s district wide staff appreciation week took place Monday, May 6 through Friday, May 10.

South Student Association along with each student council chooses a day of the week in which they will provide an appreciative gesture or item for the staff. A recent tradition includes funds donated by the most recent graduates’ class that goes towards an all inclusive food truck lunch for the teachers. This week’s line up was as follows— Monday: Coffee bar provided by administration and baked goods provided by the class of ’25. Tuesday: Village Nutrition beverages provided by administration and Mr. C’s Breadsticks provided by the class of ’26. Wednesday: Snacks and beverages provided by Administration and bagels and coffee provided by the class of ’24. Thursday: A fancy snack cart provided by the class of ’27. Friday: Custom Cookies provided by Student Association and a food truck provided by the Class of ’23.

Class of ’26 President Heidi Bryan explained that her class decided to present the teachers with breadsticks in hopes of brightening their days with a snack that everyone loves. She emphasized the importance of recognizing a teacher’s hard work.

“I think we definitely should appreciate our teachers more as it is often looked past on what they do,” Bryan said. “Participation in teacher appreciation week can be super simple and I think it is super important for students to participate as it can be as simple as checking in on the teacher’s day. Students should take the time to thank them for the time they put into helping us learn and grow.”

For the teachers, staff appreciation week can be such a rewarding experience after a long year of work. English teacher Sandra McCue explains that even though she may feel worn out at this point in the year, this week of recognition serves as a grateful motivator.

“I’m really thankful for everyone who goes out of their way to make these little surprises for us each day,” McCue said. “I know people and different classes have been bringing in treats and organizing, and I know that’s a lot of work. It’s something that I think helps to motivate us and keeps us going until the end of the year. We really appreciate staff appreciation week.”

And at the root of the event is Student Association Advisor and Social Studies teacher Meg Pierce, who oversees the planning and organization of this week. Through handling funds and communicating with the staff, Pierce still finds time to enjoy the appreciative efforts of the week on top of planning it as well.

“Teachers in general and school in general are like we’re building the foundation of people and society,” Pierce said. “It’s a job that just kind of goes unnoticed and unthanked a lot. So that’s why I think it’s important to just say thanks to those who do the work.”

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