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Rainy game doesn’t stop boys baseball team

Despite the game starting off with a delay, the baseball team was not set back. With solid pitches and batting, the team pulled off a win. Although the starting delay did push back time, it did t not affect the plays of the team. Hayden Vinyard ’24 had outstanding plays on the mound, striking out three opposing players from Wyandotte Rosevelt.

Andrew DiLodovico ’25, a catcher on South’s baseball team, showed his amazing skills on the field by staying focused despite the delay.. Excited for his team’s future, he hopes to get in good shape for districts. South was just getting started with an 11-10 win.

“Moving forward we should work specifically on quality At-bats,” DiLodovico said. “When we get into good counts we have more success at the plate.”

Jack Wiegand ’24 performed an amazing play by batting and running safe at first base. Joey Michelotti followed it up by batting, running all the way to second base. Hunter Belanger ’24 skyrockets his bat sending Wiegand and Michelotti both to home base. The team did a great job overall and put up a good fight against Wyandotte Rosevelt.

The team worked really well and kept cheering each other on the whole time, DiLodovico says this team is prepared and ready for districts, with some challenging teams they are ready and excited to see what is in store. The consistent pitching and batting has and will prepare this team for districts on Saturday.

“I like that the team is really getting prepared for playoffs, we’re fixing up all of the little mistakes right now to be in top shape,” DiLodovico said. “I’m really excited for districts on Saturday, a chance to get a district championship against North is really exciting.”

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