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A close game against Flushing results in Lady Blue Devil’s Victory

On Wednesday, May 29, the Varsity girls softball team took down Flushing with an 8-6 win. The girls had an early lead on the Raiders, but the score was tight throughout most of the game. Murphy Russell ’25, starting pitcher, says that even though the game trajectory was a little rocky, the team displayed their best effort and the win was well-deserved.

“The game had its ups and downs,” Russell said. “We started off strong with good outs and great contact which led to hits, but then they started to score and we ended up being tied for a large portion of the game.”

Pitching was shared between Russell and Mackenzie Simon ’26, who was pulled up to Varsity mid-way through the season and has greatly contributed to the Lady Blue Devils’ success. Russell was put back in close to the end of the game and was victorious in breaking the tied score. She also attributes much of the team’s win to the outfield, as they made great plays when it came to catching balls that were hit in between gaps.

“I think that we’ve played very well together all year,” Russell said. “During this game specifically, I think though we played well, our communication could have been better.”

Luna Agosta ’25 adds to the positive team chemistry the girls have had throughout the season. Agosta emphasizes that their team spirit and positive attitude are large factors when it comes to the team’s success. She was very pleased with her performance during the game against Flushing, as well as that of her teammates.

“I had a strong defensive performance, no pass balls, and no one attempted a steal,” Agosta said. “Avery Harris had a strong double, with Alex Lupo and Kate Dixon also having strong hits to help us secure the win.”

Agosta has been more than pleased when it comes to the success of the Lady Blue Devils this softball season.

“This year we had the second most wins in South softball history,” Agosta said. “Our team dynamic was very strong, leading us to such success. Everyone on the team was very involved from practice all the way to game time.

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About the Contributor
Grace Campbell '25
Grace Campbell '25, Web Editor
Cat lover, track runner, journalistic mastermind: Grace Campbell ’25 can do it all. In her second year on staff, the web editor is excited to bring her fierce opinions and her admiration of cats to the Tower classroom. Campbell is most looking forward to writing opinion pieces for the paper to speak out for the issues she is passionate about. “Tower lets me share my voice on popular issues,” Campbell said. “Also, I’m able to give a voice to my peers about issues that they’re concerned about.” Look out for a lot of thought-provoking opinion pieces by her this year. Her love for writing is shared with her love for cats. Campbell has a black cat named Harriet who she loves dearly. She also accessorizes herself with cat-themed socks. “My biggest goal this year is to help new staffers transition to the seemingly hectic Tower environment,” Campbell said. “I want to make them feel at home and part of the Tower family.”

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