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Early lead fuels Varsity baseball’s triumph over De La Salle

The Boys Varsity Baseball team handily defeated the visiting De La Salle last Wednesday, May 22, by a score of 7-2. Even with the blazing heat, the team kept their cool as they delighted their crowds with hot bats and nasty pitches. The offense was led by shortstop, Dane Lezotte ’26 and second baseman, Jack Lupo ’25, who combined for three RBIs, while defensively, Charles Michelotti ’27 put in a stellar performance as pitcher. The team jumped out to an early 3-0 lead in the first inning and didn’t look back. Designated hitter, Lucas Ogden ’25 says that this lead was crucial to their big win.

“It was super important that we got momentum early,” Ogden said. “It gave our guys a lot of confidence moving forward so we were able to play more comfortably.”

Even though the visitors brought it to a one score game in the top of the fourth, an explosive four-run bottom of the fourth all but put the game away. Major hits by Lupo as well as catcher, Andrew DiLodovico ’25 were imperative to this effort. Overall, Ogden emphasized how the win was a team effort, which is especially evident seeing as 11 different players managed to get on base during the 5-run win.

“[The players] are always showing out in big games like this one,” Ogden said. “Whether it being loud in the dugout or making big plays in the field, everyone is contributing to the win.”

This game extends the team’s record to 15-20 as their season enters its waning stages.

“I win like this shows that we can compete with the best teams,” Ogden said. “We’re peaking at the best time. As a team, we can’t wait for the playoffs.”

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About the Contributor
Omar Siddiqui ’25
Omar Siddiqui ’25, Associate Web Editor
Omar Siddiqui ’25 is a second-year staffer with an immense passion for journalism who has taken on the role of associate web editor this year. Siddiqui believes that The Tower is making a difference in Grosse Pointe by writing bold and impactful stories. “I feel as if I’m doing my due diligence as a member of the community by writing for The Tower,” Siddiqui said. Outside of school, Siddiqui plays varsity soccer and participates in Science Olympiad. He also volunteers as a therapy aid at a mental health clinic in his free time. When asked to state something about him that no one knows, Siddiqui said he would like the world to know he can do a backflip. “It’s really impressive in person,” Siddiqui said. “It’s a testament to the hard work and dedication that I put into all my goals in life.”

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