The Tower Pulse

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The Tower Pulse


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Make or break your summer

Aliana RItter ’25

After school gets out I think it is important to stay busy. But I think it is a good thing to have free time and do fun things with your friends over the summer while you can. Many people that live in Grosse Pointe go up north but friends or family over the summer which is a great way to make memories and have a little getaway. I took off a few days of work last summer to go up north with my friends and it was the best week of the entire summer.

I had to get a summer job in high school and when thinking of where I wanted to work I just wanted to be with my friends and be outside. I had no idea that I would become so close with the people I worked with and it started to not even feel like work anymore. So many people are lifeguards and I think it is the best summer job because you know a lot of people from school and you get to be outside. I think being a camp counselor or being a camper is something fun to do over the summer. There are also many nannying jobs and you get to play and be outside while earning money.

The park league swim teams are very popular for all ages because it’s for fun and you get to be with your friends. I got the privilege to be on the team for the last two years and it’s some of my favorite memories from the summer. Anyone who lives in Grosse Pointe has the ability to go swimming at their city park to swim and eat with friends and family. On the days when you don’t work, you can relax at the pool with friends and family and play games at the park.

You want to be able to enjoy your summer but having some sort of routine or schedule is good for mental health. Getting up and doing something productive in the morning sets me up for the rest of the day and makes me feel good. Whether it’s going to practice, going to the gym, or going on a walk, any physical activity in the morning is great and you have the rest of the day to do what you want and still feel productive.

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About the Contributors
Hannah DiDio '25
Hannah DiDio '25, Staff Writer
Managing a busy schedule as a student athlete, Hannah DiDio ’25 is constantly finding new ways to pursue her passions both in and out of school. DiDio swims for South, Gators, and the Country Club of Detroit, always keeping herself busy with new hobbies and extracurriculars. This hardworking staff writer is also sure to set aside time for herself and her friends, and she loves to spend time in nature or cooking when she has a break from her packed schedule. Only a first-year staffer, DiDio is an expert Tower recruiter, and she notices the positive impact journalism has had on her high school experience. “I really like journalism writing and finding fun stories,” DiDio said. “I’m so excited for The Tower this year, and I already got my friends to take Honors Journalism.”
Aliana RItter ’25
Aliana RItter ’25, Copy Editor
Aspiring thespian, punctilious writer, and student council Vice President, Copy Editor Aliana Ritter ’25 brings another zealous member to the tower team. Ritter lives a life of organized chaos, especially when participating in her many extracurricular activities while remaining a devoted honors student. “I’ve always wanted to be on a newspaper and to feel the pressure of deadlines. I feel like it's such an important job,” Ritter said. “I enjoy copy editing because I am very meticulous and I love everything to be concise and precise.” With her gifted imagination, Ritter draws inspiration from her passion for reading and creative writing. Lastly, she would like to note her enthusiasm for the use of colored pens and distaste for pencils, in hopes of adding a bit more vibrance to a very dull world.

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