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Post prom recap

The most memorable occasion of senior year
Ana Zieleniewski ’26
Ruby Verlinden, 24, and Jack Webber, 24, are seen beaming broadly during prom dinner.

Prom, our seniors’ most anticipated dance of the year, is almost here! It’s prom night, and females get to wear their most gorgeous dresses to the final school dance of their high school careers as the days become longer and the weather warms up. It’s time for the most important school dance of the year, a night of partying with your friends and dancing the night away, and proposals and dress shopping are preparing the seniors for their greatest night.

In preparation, after school girls did their makeup and got ready, then took photos, then went to the dance, then went to after parties or events. Some girls made bouquets the night before for pics and that was fun. Prom night starts off with dinner, you get your table arrangements, You go to your seat, then there’s the dinner and then it’s just like dancing and there’s photo booths upstairs. And prom king and queen were announced and then you had to leave at 10: 30 and then it officially ended at 11.

Lyssie Moody provides her tips on shopping for dresses and how she achieved matching looks with her date. She also discusses where and when to buy.

“I shopped at Lucy in the Sky and Hello, Molly, which are both online retailers. And I ended up going with the one from Lucy in the Sky because it was a relatively good price, and I believe the majority of the girls shopped online first to see what was available, and I ordered a couple just to compare, and I can always return it or just have an extra, but some people I know went to boutiques or specialty prom stores, but the majority shopped online.I ordered my dress in February or so since I didn’t know and didn’t want to stress about finding stuff at the last minute. So, yes, I would advocate purchasing it as soon as you can or want to. We made sure to match everything, including the corsage and ribbon, and we purchased them from the same retailer, so it looks precisely the same.”

Lyssie Moody ’24 discusses her favorite aspects of prom, such as the delicious food and exciting activities. She enjoyed what was served and felt that it exceeded her expectations.

“The dinner at prom was so good,’ Moody ’24 said. “It was steak and chicken and there was a pasta option too, but that’s what I had and it was really, really good.”

Lyssie Moody ’24 discusses her impressions of the location, stating that it was stunning and the ideal location for a prom due to its beauty and photogenic qualities.

“You walk in it’s like it was very elegant inside and the ballroom was almost like small but it was big at the same time,” Moody ’24 said. “There was a balcony part that overlooked the dance so you could look down. Also that’s where the extra tables and seating arrangements and the photo booth were.”

Lyssie Moody ’24 says that the prom isn’t the only enjoyable aspect of this event; one of her favorites was the drive up north with her friends, when they arrived, they got to make memories and celebrate prom together.

“My entire prom group went; that night, most of us traveled up north. We drove up north to a friend’s home and simply chilled out, swimming, and having fun,” Moody ’24 said. “ We were trying to have so much fun afterwards and make it a full wonderful weekend since Monday was senior skip day, so we could spend the entire weekend just having fun.”

Ruby Verlinden ‘24 escorted by prom king Jack Webber ‘24 shares her experience of the venue and the experience of prom.

“Prom was really fun,” Verlinden ‘24 said. “Everything went as planned but I thought it was going to be more like homecoming, but it ended up being a lot more fun and fancy.”

Verlinden ’24 discusses her preparation for the big night and the steps she took to get ready for the dance.

“I used my sister’s dress that she never got to wear because of Covid,” Verlinden ‘24 said. “My sister did my hair, she just lost curls. I went home from school and I got ready and went and took pictures and went to the dance.”

Tia Kosmas ’24 described her prom experience as enjoyable, stating that she had fun choosing her costume and getting ready with her friends.

“I went to a few stores and tried on clothes,” Kosmas ’24 said. “I went shopping with friends for your prom gown and for my hair style, I did it myself with my friends’ help.”

Lyssie Moody ’24 says she looked forward to prom more than homecoming since it was more memorable for everyone who went.

“I definitely like prom better. I think homecoming was like the parade and everything which was really fun like especially senior year but I think prom was just a next level type thing because it was so fancy and it felt just like a ball,” Moody ’24 said. “It made homecoming seem so casual, prom just felt more special and like a one time thing.”

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About the Contributor
Ana Zieleniewski ’26
Ana Zieleniewski ’26, Staff Writer
Ana Zieleniewski ’24 is a first-year staff writer on Tower. Ana joined Tower because she loves English and wants to improve her writing skills.“Learning how to write in different ways is very important because it is how you tell people information throughout your whole life,” Zieleniewski said.This year, Zieleniewski is super excited about selling ads. She said she wants to go into sales after she graduates college and is hoping that Tower can help her with that. She also hopes it will assist her in building new friendships and learning more about journalistic reporting as the year goes on.“I didn’t know I really liked doing that type of stuff, but I really liked going to places and talking to people,” Zieleniewski said.

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