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Stepping into senior year

TIE DYE The e-board for the Class of 2024 enjoys their morning during Souths very first Senior Step Up. Courtesy of Eleni Melhem ’24

Rising into senior year is a big moment for the junior class each year. Students become the oldest in the school and role models for the younger grades. Last year, the class of ’24 started a new tradition at South called “Senior Step Up”. Students meet on the front lawn to tie dye senior t-shirts and wear them to school in celebration. It’s a great way to get to know the rest of your classmates and bond with them before you head into your last year at South.

This year, a lot of time and effort was put into this event. From the t-shirts to the tie dye supplies, class of ’25 treasurer Quin Grabowski helped plan this event to make it as memorable and meaningful as possible.

“Senior Step Up is about celebrating us becoming seniors and stepping into this new role in the school,” Grabowski said. “It’s a very important event in our high school experience that should be celebrated.”

Inspired by last year’s Senior Step Up and the success that followed, the class of ’25’s e-board, including secretary Ava Biter, decided to do it again.

“The senior class of ’24 did it last year and we thought it would be a good idea to make this a recurring annual tradition so we continued it this year,” Biter said.

During last year’s Senior Step Up, Meryn Vick ’24 was one of many students who participated. According to Vick, there were smiles all around for those in attendance.

“The weather was nice and there was a happy mood,” Vick said. “Everyone seemed to be enjoying it and I’m glad they decided to do it again.”

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Kaylee Jelinski '25
Kaylee Jelinski '25, Page Editor
Kaylee Jelinski ’25, first-year page editor for The Tower, said she enjoys listening to music such as Taylor Swift, The Weeknd, and Rihanna. One of the many swifties who attended Swift’s latest concert in Detroit, Jelinski said her family found a way to make it special. “It was my first Taylor Swift concert, " Jelinski said. "And my family made friendship bracelets for the Ears Tour.” As much as Honors Journalism was a hassle, Jelinski said she wanted to move up to Tower to experience the wonders of making the school newspaper.“ I like journalism/Tower because it helps share information with other people that might not know about it,” Jelinski said. “It's a nice environment,” Jelinski said.

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