The Tower Pulse

The Tower Pulse

The Tower Pulse


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No more dragging dog days

As trees regain their leaves and the air loses its crisp chill, summer is visibly just around the corner. While many summer days are spent basking in the sunlight and just enjoying a nice warm breeze, there often comes a lull in mid-July where the absence of activity is obvious. In order to prevent the dull summer days reeking with boredom, here is a list of things to do to make summer as eventful as possible.

  1. Watch the sunrise:  Get up early and head to your local park, and enjoy gazing at the colorful horizon as the day begins.
  2. Go for a bike ride:  As teenagers get their licenses and are able to navigate the roads, bikes are left in garages to collect dust. It can be a fun and refreshing exercise to spend an afternoon biking around town to enjoy the pleasantries all around.
  3. Make ice cream:  There are dozens of super easy tutorials on how to make ice cream all over the internet, and it tastes better once the time and effort is put into it.
  4. Scavenger hunt: Compile a list of 10-20 things to find, gather a group of friends and see who can find the list in the shortest amount of time
  5. Camping in your backyard: Even if it’s not at an exotic campsite, it can still be fun to stargaze and enjoy outside from the comfort of your own home.
  6. Go to a concert :Whether the tickets are on the lawn or VIP, concerts are super fun experiences to be around people who share similar interests as you.
  7. Go kayaking/canoes: Even if you don’t own a kayak or a canoe, they are cheap to rent at each of the Grosse Pointe Parks, and are a fun way to get some sun.
  8. Visit Belle Isle: Only a 20 minute drive away, Belle Isle is a beautiful place to spend an afternoon. Whether it’s an aquarium visit or just a nice picnic in a pretty place, time spent on Belle Isle is well worth it.
  9. Go yard sale shopping: If you ever have a weekend with nothing to do, there are bound to be many yard sales available to poke around in. At yard sales, hunting down antiques and things you never would’ve spotted otherwise can be a blast.

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About the Contributor
Cecile Walsh '24
Cecile Walsh '24, Print Editor in Chief
Cecile Walsh is creative in every way possible. She is super crafty; painting her nails every weekend and producing little projects whenever she can. She’s an active member of the Poetry Slam club and goes on fun trips, such as the Mackinac Island trip as part of the Poetry Slam club. In her free time, she is a personal assistant to a local children’s book author, pursuing her love of English outside of school. Cecile joined Tower to use her love of writing to become more immersed in the news and what’s going on in the world, as well as to help others become more aware and in the loop. “It can be really interesting and fulfilling to help people stay more informed,” Walsh said. This year, she hopes to stay on top of all of her duties, to progress throughout the school year.

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