Brownell Middle School introduced the public to a wonderful showcase of their spin on the musical, “Aladdin”. With beautiful vocals, to upbeat music and dancing, to a great performance from the middle schoolers. The play engaged audiences and portrayed the story of “Aladdin” well.
One of the directors, Todd Whitefleet, mentioned what exactly went on behind the scenes to produce the play and went in-depth into how it became the production it is now.
“Some of the things the Producer does is get perusal copies of the shows we are interested in,” Whitefleet said. “We also obtain the rights to the show we picked, handle the finances, work with the costuming, get accompanists, handle the advertising, set up and manage the ticketing, and put together the ‘Scene by Scene’ for the actors and props people.”
Auditions are another big part of producing the play. Finding the right fit while being able to act, sing and dance are big factors in the production of the play. Susan Dempsey, another director, also plays a big part in finding the perfect role for her students and making sure they can perform well in the play.
“Many times, it is a very difficult choice and it’s hard to disappoint a student,” Dempsey said. “My role is to help them be the best version of their character and understand the intent of the character’s decisions and delivery.”
Not only does the producer help bring the show to life, but also the actors. Skylar Boomhower, who plays Jasmine, talked about some of how she prepared for her role and what went into becoming Jasmine.
“I was Jasmine, one of the main leads in the show,” Boomhower said. “I did everything I needed to with my role along with helping with hair, makeup especially eyeliner, dancing and a few other random things. Anywhere I can help out in a show I will.”