Arguably the most wonderful time of the year, Christmas is a long awaited time for most. The spread of pure happiness, gift giving, cheerful decorations and family time causes many to get excited months in advance. Seeing the Christmas Hallmark movies on the TV during the end of October, while also turning on your heat for the first time in a year can make you anticipate the cozy Christmas movie nights by the crackling fire.
Some people tend to think holidays such as Halloween are not as recognized for their unique festivities and those resist the idea of spreading the Christmas cheer “too early”. But as soon as it hits below seventy degrees in Michigan during the beginning of the school year, finding houses decked out with Halloween decor is not hard. Both Halloween and Christmas lovers start decorating a couple months in advance. It is just the matter that the Christmas admirers are a bigger population, making some towns seem swallowed by Christmas the day after Halloween.
The timing of when you want to start decorating for Christmas should be completely up to you. Not all people love Halloween or even the decorations and vibe that go along with it, so an alternative is decorating for Christmas a few days after Halloween. Acknowledging and appreciating the fall season time is definitely still important since many can get sick of the snow quickly. I believe the importance of making sure there is time to enjoy autumn before Halloween approaches is a given. But once Halloween is over, decorating for Christmas should be fair game to anyone, no matter how judged you may be by others for it.
The biggest stretch of the school year without a break is during the first three months of the school year. Finding things that keep you going during this time is key to being successful and happy. An article in The Today News, Psychologist Deborah Serani has found people who start decorating for Christmas early have increased dopamine levels, which will increase your overall happiness. There are many more Christmas decorations to choose from that bring cheer than decorations for holidays like Halloween. Lighting a fresh balsam candle, turning on Christmas lights and comfy in my Christmas themed pajamas while doing homework and studying has not only made the process less stressful but also kept me more focused and cheerful.