Girls Ice Hockey

After falling short at the state championship last year, the girl’s ice hockey team is going for the win this year. With a lot of experienced players both returning and joining the team, Head Coach Alexis Bohlinger said she believes that the team will have a lot of talent, but it will still take a lot of hard work to get there.
“I believe we got to the finals last year and that was our goal,” Bohlinger said.“I don’t believe our goal was to win it. I think the kids kind of said, ‘Hey, we’re here’, but they didn’t push through to the end and that’s what I want to see this year.”
Overall Bohlinger is excited to build off the players’ previous skill sets and be able to build a team worthy of winning the MHSAA Girls Ice Hockey State Championship.

(Wyatt Hepner ’25)
Dedication goes a long way according to Wyatt Hepner ’25, who was a state-finalist wrestler last year. After putting in work during the post-season and throughout the summer, he’s ready to take a shot at the state title this year.
“I think it takes a specific type of person to succeed at wrestling,” said Hepner. “It’s a tough sport, but it’s fun and worth it in the end.”
Though wrestling is an individual sport, the wrestler against their opponent, Hepner said that he’s most excited to not only enjoy the independent aspect of the sport but also be able to have a good time with his teammates.
Competitive Cheer

Cheer is most often pictured as a sideline sport, but for Millie Robarge ’24, hard work is more often put in at the cheer gym. Robarge said instead of being supporters of other seemingly “more important” sports, they get to be the main focus of their competitions, making it a completely different environment.
Robarge has been putting in a ton of effort in the off-season working out, spending hours of her time each week at her cheer gym and even practicing with the team.
She is excited for the upcoming season hoping to win competitions and with the upcoming team, she believes that there is potential for the team to be good.
“It’s not all about wins and losses, but it is exciting when we win,” said Robarge. “The idea of chasing some wins this season is really motivating to our team.”
Boys Swim and Dive

For over two decades, the Boys Swim and Dive team has won the MAC Red Championships, Joey Drawbaugh ’24 says he hopes that this year will be no exception. Drawbaugh is planning to contribute to the win, by dropping times and supporting his teammates. He said his favorite part about the team is the relationships they build with each other throughout the season.
Drawbaugh said one of the team’s main goals this season is to go undefeated in their division and to do that it’s going to take a lot of hard work and dedication from the entire team. Drawbaugh plans to go to practice every day after school and three times a week before school to make sure he is contributing to the team. Drawbaugh said that for him, swimming is a release from his everyday life.
“I like swimming just because it’s something I don’t have to think about,” said Drawbaugh. “At the end of the school day my brain is just exhausted and I can just hop in the pool and not think about anything. I get to let all my frustration out.”