Pumpkin is a classic fall flavor, which is why pumpkin bread is the perfect autumn dessert. Not only is it delicious, but it’s also warm and comforting. Instead of using milk chocolate chips, using semi-sweet chocolate chips keeps the sweetness to a minimum to let the pumpkin be the star of the show. Using mini chocolate chips also allows the taste of the chocolate to take a more subtle tone instead of making an effort to take over the dish.

Grilled cheese and tomato soup is a staple dish to make someone feel at home. It has a great taste and doesn’t take too much work. The gooey cheese and crispy bread mixed with the smooth tomato soup is the perfect combination. According to Michigan State University Extension, tomato soup also has nutritional benefits, such as vision improvement, skin protection and heart disease prevention. The types of bread and cheese used can vary depending on a person’s taste and what they want to get out of the dish.

Roasted pumpkin seeds are a great crunchy, Autumn snack. What the pumpkin seeds are topped with can differ based on a person’s taste, but in general the recipe does not differ too much. A common topping for the seeds is olive oil, salt, and pepper. These are household ingredients that make the dish easier to make. Another way you can make the pumpkin seeds is with cinnamon sugar. This classic fall topping makes the seeds taste amazing. The nine-millenia-old snack is, according to Harvard Medical School, a great natural source of fiber and magnesium.

What’s more of a reminder of Fall than apple cider and cinnamon sugar donuts? The short answer is nothing—that’s why cinnamon sugar muffins are an ideal fall snack. They look amazing, taste amazing, and aren’t too hard to make. They are soft and a perfect mix between sweet and savory. They are perfectly light and fluffy and do not require an electric mixer. They not only are great on their own, but are perfect when paired with apple cider. Cinnamon sugar muffins are a reminder of childhood and a fun trip to the apple orchard.