“Haunted Garage” Halloween tradition continues

One of the many spooky attractions at the Haunted Garage on Mack Ave in Grosse Pointe Farms. Photo by Tara Cole ’21.

Tara Cole '21, Staff Writer

For 11 years now, Glen Williams has been bringing Halloween smiles and frights from his very own Haunted Garage, at 19520 Mack Ave. On every weekend from Oct. 12 until Halloween, the garage is open from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., Friday through Sunday.


Williams had been teaching in the Grosse Pointe Public Schools Systems for over 32 years before he retired. Not only does he have a passion for teaching, but he also loves Halloween.


According to Williams, he’s always been dedicated to collecting Halloween decorations and as his collection grew, he was throwing Halloween-themed parties for his close friends and family.


“It came to a point where I felt I could do something different with the displays and turn it into a charity. We started doing tours around Elementary schools and the tours took off, with the proceeds going to the PTO (Parent Teacher Organization),” Williams said.


According to Williams, this is the second year that the National Honors Society (NHS) has been helping him out with the garage.


“I think volunteering at the garage is a great way for NHS members to earn service hours in a fun and seasonal way,” Williams said.


Haunted Garage worker, Tatiana Hudson ’20 said that the tickets cost $11 per person, and most of the proceeds go to the school or charity that is being supported that certain day.

“I think working at the garage helps NHS members because it shows a different type of work environment, as you are working mostly with young kids,” Hudson said.


The whole process of setting up the garage takes around two to three months, Williams said. He’s always looking for ways to improve the garage and make it a more entertaining attraction for everyone.


“We try to get at least 25 percent more attractions than we did the previous year, and we’ve been pretty successful in meeting that goal,” Williams said.


Haunted Garage worker, Mary Fildew ’20 believes the best part about working at the garage is seeing the unforgettable look of the kids’ faces when they leave the attraction.


“The garage is just a great time for everyone because of how positive the atmosphere is,” Fildew said. “I think it’s a super fun way to help out the community and get into the Halloween spirit.”