The Tower Staff of 2013-14
Last night, Sunday, Nov. 3, Tower adviser of 20 years Jeff Nardone passed away from T-Cell Lymphoma.
Nardone was 48 years old. He is survived by his two sons, wife and stepdaughter.
There is grief counseling available in Cleminson Hall for students and staff.
Today, the Michigan Interscholastic Press Association (MIPA) board announced the Jeff Nardone Scholarship, according to an e-mail from Jeremy Steele, MIPA executive director. The scholarship will help students attend the MIPA Summer Journalism Workshop, a workshop at which Jeff taught and had many of his students attend.
Updates will follow, and there will be a special-edition of The Tower on Friday for a more in-depth look at his life and legacy.
Please share a tribute or memory of Jeff in the comments section or tweet at @thetowerpulse.
If you have a memory you would like to share in the special edition on Friday, send a 150-200 word tribute to Megan Fleming at [email protected].
[info] There will be a visitation on Friday, Nov. 8 from 2 pm until 9 pm at A. H. Peters Funeral Home at 20705 Mack Avenue, Grosse Pointe Woods. The funeral service will be held Saturday, Nov. 9 at 11 am at Grace Community Church at 21001 Moross, Detroit. [/info]
Bob Button • Nov 5, 2013 at 8:36 am
For nearly 20 years, Jeff Nardone gave incredible gifts to the staff of The Tower, students at South, and to journalism students and advisers across the state and across the country. He could not have imagined the impact he would have over time cut way too short. He was a teacher, an adviser and an awesome friend. The Tower has an exceptional history with weekly publication going back 82 years under only three full-time advisers. Jeff did an incredible job of expanding and enriching that tradition. He lives on in the best possible way, even as we all come to grips with a profound loss.
Cyndi Craven • Nov 4, 2013 at 9:45 pm
My thoughts are with Jeff’s Family and with all the students he has taught over the years. My thoughts are with you my prayers are for you. He was an outstanding citizen… he will be missed.