Message to the GIRLZ

Sophia Stann '20, Staff Writer

When I think of my years spent at South, I go straight to memories with friends. As cliche as it sounds, I seriously would not have been able to make it through high school without each and every one of them. Having a group of friends to confide in and share everything with during these past four years is something I will hold onto forever.
I’d like to thank and acknowledge a few of my friends who have made an impact on me these last four years.
Caroline Kubek, you truly are the life of the party and always know how to make me laugh. The energy you bring to everything is something I will truly miss in college.
Cailin Gallgher, thank you for being my third sister since kindergarten. You brought me out of my shell, and gave me confidence to be myself in front of anyone. I will always be the Gallaghers’ little “nugget.”
Madeline Sullivan, you always have my back in every situation and give the best advice for any problems I get myself stuck in. You always know the right thing to say to make me feel better, and I can’t wait for the next four with you.
Anna Stumb, you are the brutally honest one in the group, but I appreciate it so much. You are not afraid to say what needs to be said, and have always stuck up for me when I couldn’t stick up for myself. I can’t wait to make more memories with you at Indiana.
Lilly Hall, you are someone I can tell everything to without being judged. Thank you for listening to me in times of need.
Maddy Hass, we just became close within a year, but I feel like we’ve been best friends forever. Thank you for bringing me into your family with such open arms, thank you for the long car rides when I needed them and thank you for doing every crazy thing with me this past year.
Emilea Zingas, you are most likely to become president one day out of the group. Thank you for always pushing me to the best I can be. I can’t believe I’m saying this but I’ll miss your loud singing in the car.
Callie Kersten, you have been with me through every tear of mine, thank you for understanding me no matter what. You truly “get me” and you have stood by my side through everything. I can’t wait for the long phone calls I’ll be receiving the next four years to catch up.
Reflecting all the way back to freshman year, I didn’t realize all the privileges I had, such as being with friends or going to school with in person learning. My appreciation for the moments spent with friends, going out to lunch or studying together has gone up drastically.
My biggest regret would have to be not taking advantage of the moments where I could have been making more memories with friends. Friendship for me was an important part in making it through high school. It makes me sad to say that all of our high school memories we made together are now in the past. Without the support and companionship I built with people throughout my four years at South, I do believe that I wouldn’t have had such a great high school experience.
Thank you Grosse Pointe South for letting me meet my best friends for life. It’s sad to say the second semester of our senior year was cancelled, but we have risen above it and will go on to make new memories we never would have made before. Closing the chapter of high school in my life is definitely bittersweet, but I’m grateful to look back on such positive experiences. The past four years at school have shaped me into the person I am today and I’m ready for the future, ready to see what it holds for me.