By Christy Ford ’15 | Staff Writer
Altering the prize system this year, Student Association (SA) is sponsoring their annual canned food drive this week.
Proceeds will go to the Salvation Army who will distribute the food to those in need, said SA member and canned food drive chairperson Grace Muawad ‘15. Cans are to be turned in to Cleminson Hall, not third hours like previous years.
“We’re (SA) here to help plan and put on things for South, but we find it very rewarding to help others in need,” Muawad said. “We loved doing adopt-a-family this year, and canned food drive is just another way for us to give back.”
The only prize last year was an iPad but this year there will be various prizes that will be raffled off, SA adviser Laura Distelrath said.
For every five cans a person donates, a raffle ticket is given to that person, SA member Brad Sklarski ‘15 said. Later, the tickets will be drawn. The person picked first in the raffle will receive $300 and the next eight people picked win $25 gift cards to various local and online places. In addition, the third hour whose students bring in the most cans will win a donut party.
When SA first offered a prize to the person who brought in the most cans in 2012, donations spiked from about 2,000 to about 13,000 cans, SA president Daniel Harris ‘14 said. This year, the members of SA voted to change the prize system to a raffle in order to promote more involvement and offer more prizes.
“Participants would be doing a great thing with a chance to win some awesome prizes too,” Sklarski said.
The goal this year is 13,000 cans, Muawad said. The goal was not met last year, but the year before it was met and surpassed. The last day to turn in cans is this Friday.
“I like this fundraiser because I really like to eat, I eat a lot and I feel like a lot of us are privileged and blessed enough to have enough to eat,” said Distelrath. “This is something we can do to help out people that are going through a hard time and need help.”