How testing will operate in a hybrid format

Lexi Belyue ‘21, Web editor

Heading back to school there are a lot of uncertainties and students aren’t the only ones not sure how to feel. However, testing is no longer one of these concerns for teachers to have figured it out.

Physics and astronomy teacher Troy Hernandez have mixed feelings about the hybrid schedule and how he’ll approach testing.

“I super miss seeing my students but also want them to be safe and healthy,” Hernandez said.

The new schedule can cause confusion amongst teachers and students alike. Laura Distlerath feels overwhelmed with keeping track of planning with the new schedule.

“Once we’re in it, it will start to make more sense,” Distlerath said.

Margaret Pierce is dependent on the students’ feedback

“It’s a lot of trial by error, and a lot of reflection,” Pierce said.

As far as testing goes, big changes lie ahead for Pierce’s students. Pierce would like to give her students paper tests. Pierce believes tests show if the students are truly understanding the material. “I’m not getting 100 percent like, really an accurate idea and what’s going on with my students,” Pierce said.

Distlerath’s students are able to expect more of the same when it comes to testing. She wants to minimize paper contact tracing and plans to keep administering test through Schoology.

“I do want to do those assessments in the classroom just so that I can like, see if it’s clicking, and like, really get like maybe some tighter data,” Distelrath said.

As we’re striving for normalcy that was lost this year, Hernandez hopes for ideas and feedback from students. “The best ideas are ones that can be shared, and the best way to share is when we are together.”