Remote learning from remote locations

Jackson Marchal '21, Staff writer

Nowadays, it doesn’t take a physical presence to attend class. And with the weather in Grosse Pointe slowly declining in temperature, many students have decided to leave the bubble and study somewhere out of town. Somewhere warm and tropical.

According to Rocco Russano ’21, he and his family decided to leave because of a recent real estate purchase.

“We just bought a house in Florida and since school isn’t in person I was able to go down there and still stay connected,” Russano said.

According to Russano, it was a very nice experience to get out of town and live the best of both worlds.

“I was in Point Saint Joe florida and I’d sit on the back balcony and do my homework,” Russano said. “I was there for two weeks, and in my free time, I went to the beach, worked out and hung out with my dog.”

Admittedly, Kate Skupien ’21 left town as soon as she could.

“I studied remotely at my grandparent’s house in Florida for a little over a week after my field hockey season ended,” Skupien said. “Once I got off class I usually went to the pool or beach and then came home and did my schoolwork later in the night.”

According to Skupien, it was a necessary trip to step back from the drowsiness normal online school life.

“I wanted to get a break from being in my house and doing school alone in the same room everyday,“ Skupien said. “It was easy to get down and stay at my grandparent’s house to do school, and I could also do more fun things outside of school.”

According to Skupien, it was the perfect time to get down there.

“My sports were over so I didn’t have anything keeping me in Grosse Pointe since we can do school from anywhere, but I came home from basketball season,” Skupien said.

As reported by Megan Blake ’21, she had different priorities for traveling.

“This trip was planned for a while, and it just sort of worked out that we would still be online. I would have had to miss school if we were in person.”

Among others, Skupien would love to do it again.

“I hope to go back soon since Michigan is in lockdown and my sports are canceled. It was a really good mental health boost to be in the sun and in a change of scenery.”