How to stay more productive during the school year


A clump of homework. Photo by Bianca Pugliesi ’19

Bianca Pugliesi '19, Copy Editor


With the amount of distractions students have throughout the day, it’s hard to stay productive and focused. Here are some tips and tricks to use your time to the best of your ability.

Tip One: Turn off your phone and move it away

You might not notice, but your phone takes away a lot of your attention and focus. As soon as I get a notification, I stop what I’m doing and check it out. Students sending and receiving messages while studying scored lower on tests and were less effective at tasks such as note taking, according to a study conducted by the Taylor & Francis Group. Turning off your phone and putting it in another room will prevent you picking it up and going on it.

Tip Two: Create a schedule for yourself

Designating time for homework, breaks, and other thing you need to do will stop you from wasting time. Set a timer and do your homework until the timer goes off. Then set a timer and take a break. Make sure you schedule enough time to get a decent amount of homework done,  maybe an hour, and only 15-20 minutes maximum for a break.

Tip Three: Write out all of your assignments and order them by priority

Knowing exactly what you need to do and in what order you need to do it is a great way to stay organized and productive. Also, crossing it off is satisfying and will encourage you to keep going.

Tip Four: Switch up your study space

Changing locations, whether it’s a different room in your house or a coffee shop, when doing your homework can increase your productivity. Staying in the same location every time you work on something can make your mind bored, causing you to drift off. A space change keeps your mind engaged and entertained. Just make sure that the place is quiet with minimum distractions.

Tip Five: Stay organized

Keeping your assignments and supplies in order can decrease stress and increase your productivity. When all of your things are a mess, you end up avoiding them. Having all of your work easily accessible and in order can prevent procrastination and will end up saving you time.

Tip Six: Live a healthy lifestyle

I’m not saying you should go vegan or work out all the time, but getting enough sleep and eating healthy brain foods can keep your mind focused for longer. For teens (14-17 years old), seven to 11 hours of sleep is recommended,  according to the National Sleep Foundation website. Whole grains, blueberries, tomatoes, nuts, and broccoli are great healthy food options that also benefit your brain.

Tip Seven: Spend time outdoors

Nature increases brain function. A study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology found that walking increased creativity. It’s also a great way to relieve stress, and will take your mind off of all the assignments that you have to get done.

Tip Eight: Reward yourself

Rewarding yourself for your hard work is a good motivator to focus and finish your assignments. It gives you something to look forward to, and help you to finish your work faster. Good luck!